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Darkmage has proposed a very, very complex fan project -- it's going to take a lot of hard working people to pull this one off! That's what you fan project people are good at, though... he's already rendered some 3D planets (below)!
I wish to create a Privateer 3 if you will, only it will be unlike any game you have ever played, or will ever play, it will be based entirely off of the Wing Commander Series, It will be set durinng the Terran-Kilrathi War. What makes this ambitious is that within the game, you will be able to go ANYWHERE IN THE ENTIRE WING COMMANDER UNIVERSE! It will have the entire universe map from Prophecy fully integrated into it. You will be able to buy almost anyship you were allowed to fly in the Wing Commander games as well as a few Kilrathi ships you weren't, I loved the Wing Commander cockpits (didn't we all), so I'm going to bring them back, I will also include the option to switch off the cockpits if you prefer that. The game will allow the player great freedom, yet it will adhere strictly to the Wing Commander timeline, there will be a dating system used, so if you were to visit say, the Goddard colony on a date before it was destroyed, you would find the Goddard colonists peacefully going about there business, you would even be able to land there, but if you visited Goddard after that terrible day in history, you would find it levelled! I will also make it so that if you visit Goddard on the exact date it was destroyed, you will get to see the colony get completely levelled! This sort of history in your face style, will be used throughout the game, If you happened to be in the system where the Behemoth is test firing, you will see it level a planet, at the same time you will told to leave the system immediately by Confed pilots patrolling the surrounding area. You will be able to purchase guns, and upgrades for your ship, you will even be able to go to the BLACK MARKET! where you will be able to purchase items deemed illegal by confed, There will be a bounty hunters, and merchants guilds as well as others when I've decided on them, there may even be a Pirate's guild. It will be based off of the privateer style game, but it will use a completely new engine with full 3d graphics and sound, I have yet to decide if I will include characters, You will be able to hire your services out to confed, private owners, pirates, even the Kilrathi, yes this game will take the privateer concept even further, you will be able to work for the Kilrathi against the rest of Humanity! I need lot's of help with this game, I need researchers, programmers, graphics artists, anyone who can donate stuff is welcome, I will continually work on this project, I will not let it die. It is my wish to see Wing Commander thrive, and with this game I hope to achieve that goal, I would like to make it multiplayer comatible, and maybe even in the far off future make it into a fully online game, I don't think it would be feasible but.... I am already designing artwork for the game, so if anyone can donate stuff........ I need cockpits people, lot's of cockpit's I have them for terran wing commander 2 ships, and I can get them for Wing Commander 1 it will take some time though, I would like to get some wing commander 3 cockpits as well as some Kilrathi ones, I would like to use the existing privateer 1 and wing commander 1&2 cockpit's, but I also need wing commander 3 cockpit's I want all the cockpit's to have the same detail level, which means I need to either downgrade the Wing commander 3 cockpit's or else upgrade the wing commander 1&2 cockpits. I have got all the planets ready, I have a mesh of earth and one of Kilrah, any other planets can be created with the Axion planet shader plugin for truespace 4.3 It generates planets quickly and easily. I think that's about it. Anyone who want's to help just e-mail me at Darkmage50@start.com.au

I am deadly serious about this project. If I can get ptogrammers and artists to help me I will go ahead with this. If you think you can help at all, then PLEASE CONTACT ME!

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