Ribbon Candy Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's something interesting(?) found thanks to Wing Commander IV DVD... Blair and Seether wear the exact same set of ribbons, in the opposite orders. How strange is that? Check it out...

More Vega Stuff Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Work is apparently continuing to progress on the long-quiet Vega Strike project -- from the official site...

After about 30 hours of work, I have finally hacked up SPHERE_MAP to work view independently. Normally SPHERE_MAP keeps the environment map facing you...which is terrible...but I was able to hack up the GL_PROJECTION matrix to carry the camera rotation so that the sphere map was independent of camera facing! Yes! this means about 200% speed increase...or more!!!!!!

I kept trying to use texture matrices to rotate the SPHERE_MAP in 2space after it had been incorrectly faced towards the camera...I met quite nice success for the ammt of terribleness of the problem...almsot acceptible...but nowhere near the above solution!!!!!!

The newest source code and data files are now available for download here.

Soundtracks to the Revolution Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Nobody got the GOLD STAR yesterday! The correct answer was that there have been six commercially released Wing Commander music CDs -- two Origin Audio CDs (Volumes 1 & 3), three Prophecy soundtracks (the album and two different singles) and the Movie soundtrack. Better luck next-time!

Soma, however, had a very interesting answer, and so gets a SILVER STAR...

WC- Prophecy soundtrack
WC Movie- Official score
WC Movie- Original soundtrack (by Kiner & Arnold who did the official score and also have 17 d/l-able singles @ cdnow, so I don't know if those count since they're not technically on cds)
Cobalt 60- has a single w/ Terminal Mix & Darwin was right
Fear Factory- Remanufacture has Cloning Technology (WCP)
Rammstein- Rammstein has Eifersucht (WCP)
Junkie XL- Saturday Teenage Kick has Billy Club (WCP)
KMFDM- KMFDM has Stray Bullet (WCP)
Brooklyn Bounce- Beginning has Theme (of progressive attack trip mix)(WCP)
Juno Reactor- Bible of Dreams has Komet
so that brings us to 10 cds plus the 17 d/l-able singles....

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