Various Important Reminders Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

What is it? Cold and flu season? Mid-terms or finals? I'm a little bit disappointed in some of our post-operations here this last week or two. Traffic is up lately, so it's a little bit strange. And I bet you'll have more fun doing each of the following activities than you'd think at first.

1) We're not making as big a dent as I'd hoped in the Stratics Poll. Yeah, Wing Commander is up several points from where it was a few days ago, but if a fifth of the people who read this today went and voted, WC's share would more than double. And JG Stratics is a pretty cool site. If you're the least bit interested in the Privateer Online-like game Jumpgate, it should be one of several sites you should check out. Others are Netdevil, PJG and The Drakhai.

2) Trivia participation has been down for a week or two. It's very easy to go up and down in the ranking (especially when submissions are slow), so missing a few weeks can be important. New players should give it a try too. It's surprisingly easy to make the first few big jumps up the Scoreboard.

3) What happened with Red Planet? The people who reviewed it did a great job, but only a few people reviewed it. If you thought the "one in five" JG Stratics ratio would be easy to hit, it'd only take one in seventy CIC visitors to review Red Planet in order to double the number of current reviews there. It's not that hard and it only takes a minute. You click here, click Write an online review, then write your review. There's an outline of the unpublished Pilgrim Truth novel in the balance. See our December 2, 2000 news for more on this one.

And there we go. Have a nice day.

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