Privateer Online Mention at Desslock's RPG News Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Last Friday's Desslock's Allegiance Rambling includes a minor Privateer Online mention:

It's definitely the first of its kind, but it seems to be aiming to create Warbirds style multiplayer arenas rather than an expansive and dynamic gaming world (unlike Freelancer and Origin's Privateer Online), which is a bit disappointing.

Starlancer Preview at CGO Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Someone at CGO must have thought 'six Starlancer previews just isn't enough', because they've just put up their 7th. And, against all odds, this one actually talks about the game, instead of going on and on about Wing Commander. A little snippet:

Graphically, this is a good looking game, but not spectacular. It should, though, run on a lot more systems than some of the later Wing Commander beasts, at least.
That last comment makes me wonder if the author has actually played any of the Wing Commander games. Because even the most recent ones (Prophecy and Secret Ops) run smoothly on a P100 with a Voodoo 1 board. You can find the article here. Thanks to ATFW.

Help us! Plead The Inhabitants of Hades Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Tony Countdown is on the scene. Disaster has struck on Hades. A contamination of the water supply, supposedly linked to Military testing, has given rise to immense shortages of all foodstuffs. Thousands have died already of hunger, and this figure could rise considerably if assistance is not forthcoming. Hades authorities have issued an all-system appeal to traders and aid agencies, urging increased food imports. 'I'm hungry and want to eat' was the reply we got from a hallow-eyed young waif we talked to in the street.

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