Over at the official Peter Telep site, Jens Borner and Richard Bowden have put together a version of the website in German. You can find it here. You can find Jens' site here. The Russian pages should be up very shortly.
Yesterday those wacky people at www.mirc.co.uk released version 5.7 of the popular irc client mirc. I'm sure it'll be a huge improvement over 5.61, and if you don't get it, you won't be cool. I think the very first mirc version I tried many years ago was 4.7 way back in 1996 or so. See you in #Wingnut.
Story by Conrad Feef. Emergency services on Hermes were working around the clock yesterday following the impact of a huge ice asteroid. Approximately 35,000 were killed in the incident, which has created a large freshwater lake on the site where the town of Gelid used to stand. On the plus side, the planet's bars have declared a 3 month happy hour in an attempt to utilise the huge surplus of ice-cubes. Any trader with an interest in Fresh Water will find prices below normal.
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