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I've always wanted to say 'more better'... anyway, here are some more reviews of the Wing Commander Movie. The first is from Jeff Cope, who's opinion I definatly value... (and dash, I hope they give out stuff at the premiere:)

Is it a total kick ass movie? Nope.

Is it good. Yup. It's pretty good. It has a good look to it. The younger folks can't act their way out of a paper bag (Prinze has pretty much one expression). Saffron's mighty cute, so I cut her some slack ;)

VERY cool opening title sequence. Some creativity definitely went into that.

The Pilgrim traitor subplot has been completely excised from the movie. Funny since the traitor is getting an action figure, and is never even hinted at on screen. (read the book)

Love the Kilrathi subtitles, appear first in their text then are overlayed with english.

Disappointed we didn't get more Kilrathi, which I think is the weakest part of the film. Sure, we know the Kilrathi are the enemy, but we don't get to know them at all.

And of course...
Went to go see a free sneak preview of WC-It was OK, with two minor screwups. First off, the data from Tolwyn was recorded on a Minidisc??? In 26?? Geez! Second, on his communique to Sansky, Tolwyn spells his name Towlyn! Watch for this in the movie. However, the sneak preview provided lots of cool stuff, like a free Poster, ticket (featuring poster) and a bitchin Long sleeve Wing Commander T-shirt! All this, and the movie for free! Woohoo!

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