New Chatzone Format Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Well folks, our best effort to make tolerable chatzones free of personal attacks is now up. The new format may be scary, and it does require registration (which is free of course) but we believe that this will allow us to manage the boards more efficiently. But now, new chatzones! The new Fan Fiction zone will allow budding writers among you to "publish" your works, and the "Continue the story" threads that were so popular in the days of WCHS (R.I.P) can thrive again. The other new chatzone is the developers zone, where you can discuss problems, techniques, etc for the great editing tools out there such as the WCP/SO Ships converter, WCP/SO mission creator, WCPEdit, etc (sorry, I can't mention everything here) and advertise your latest editing software. Before you ask, the tools I just mentioned are in the Files Section. Check out the new chatzones here.

Why We All Love Monday Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Yes folks, it's Monday yet again and we all know what that means, a brand new mailbag! That's right, ace and Byydo once again deal with the issues facing the Wing Commander society in the 90's. So go read it, now.

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