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Well, a copy of 'PC Gaming Expert' appeared in my mail box today... not exactly sure why it came, but it's apparently some sort of strategy guide by the CGW people. Anyway, the following blurb about Prophecy tactics appeared...

Even if you've finished the original, these tactics still make good sense for the add-on missions, which are available online.
Enemy Mantas are heavy fighters, meaning they can dogfight and carry capital-ship-killing torpedoes. Always go for Mantas first in any mission, especially the red ones, as they carry torpedoes.
When playing a mission that requires defending something, pull up the Navigation map with Ctrl-N and target the ship you're protecting. The red lines indicate who is attacking the targeted craft, hence showing you the specific enemy fighters on which to focus.
When making runs against the alien capital ships and their turrets, make sure to take advantage of auto-sliding. That way, you can maintain your direction and speed, and still keep your sights set on your target. Make sure while auto-sliding to go around your target, rather than attacking it head-on.

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