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Have you been wondering about the exact stats of the new Dust Cannon? How about the Excalibur? Needed to know exactly how many Red Manta were attacking the Transport? Your wait is over. Hades and Hadrian have been working night and day to bring you the CIC's Secret Ops Guide. Check it out here. The missions are current up through Episode Four, but we are in the process of adding new things still.

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Wing Commander fanatic Dude sent me a series of missions for Wing Commander Prophecy he's created! In a moment of uniqueness, he's also made briefings! Get the missions here and the shockwave briefing here.

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A shocked Death sent me a copy of PC Gamer's new "Top 50 Games of All Time" list... anyone care to guess where Wing Commander was? Amazingly enough, it'll take over 50 guesses, since not even one WC made the list. Admittably not everyone in the universe shares the same passion for Wing Commander as some of us do, but to say that it's not one of the top 50 games ever? Impossible... go find somebody to complain to.

1. Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2
2. Civ 2
3. Quake II
4. TIE Fighter Collector's CD-ROM
5. StarCraft
6. System Shock
7. Heroes of Might and Magic II
8. X-COM: UFO Defense
9. Warcraft II
10. Sam & Max Hit the Road
11. Links LS '98
12. Longbow 2
13. Unreal
14. Command & Conquer: Red Alert
15. Panzer General II
16. Battlezone
17. NHL 98
18. Ultima Underworld I,II
19. Myth
20. Red Baron
21. Lemmings
22. Alone in the Dark
23. Chuck Yeager's Air Combat
24. Beavis and Butthead in Virtual Stupidity
25. Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon
26. Interstate '76
27. Gabriel Knight: The Best Within
28. Quake
29. Duke Nukem 3D
30. Worms 2
31. EF 2000 2.0
32. Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
33. The Curse of Monkey Island
34. Doom
35. SimCity 2000
36. Starflight
37. Ultima VII
38. D/Generation
39. Triple Play 97
40. Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe
41. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
42. Diablo
43. Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far
44. Betrayal at Krondor
45. Master of Orion
46. FPS: Football Pro
47. Tomb Raider
48. You Don't Know Jack Huge
49. Pro Pinball: Timeshock
50. The Operational Art of War

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Interested on getting your hands on some Gold? Of course, we're all anxiously awaiting its estimated October 14 release date... if you're desprate, however, you can preorder it from Electronic Arts! Head on over to the newly re-URL'd EA Store.

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