Digesting SO Info
Boomer went on a posting spree over at agwc that can only be described as Reidesque. Check out some of the exciting Secret Ops stuff he posted about... You could wait till it's all over and download the whole thing at once, playing it like a normal game. But we're hoping people get into the 'spirit' and follow along each episode. Just note that if you wait till it's all over you can't be involved with all the debates/discussions about 'what happened', 'what does this/that mean' (which I would expect to be numerous ;)
OK.. this password thing sounds like it's getting confusing to everyone (rest assured, it's simple and when you start playing it won't be as confusing as it seems now).
#1 when you register (before or after you download) you will receive a 'password' (based on your callsign and other things) that will 'unlock' the executable (e.g. when you 'fire up' the executable it'll ask for the password).
#2 Then, after finishing the missions (per episode), depending on how well you fared you will get a 'code' at the end of the last mission. When you come back the following Monday for the fiction for that weeks upcoming episode you can enter this 'code' and get custom fiction based on how well you fared. Note this 'code' isn't necessary. If you don't enter anything it'll just give you the normal, default fiction. The custom fiction is just a lil something the designers thought up to provide a bit of a 'twist' to the experience.
Secret Ops will remain on our website for a while (not sure how long, but it's not going to be removed just as soon as it's over if that's what you're thinking).
Plus, if you want it on CD it will be available via Wing Commander Gold edition released soon after the SO episodes are completed.
Wing Commander Gold is essentially Wing Commander: Prophecy with Secret Ops included.
The Secret Ops *episodes* begin (Monday) Aug 24 with 'set-up' fiction for that particular (1st) episode. The actual download of the executable (and 1st missions) will occur on (Thursday) Aug 27.
Then (thereafter) each Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, new fiction will lead-in to (set-up) that weeks episode mission (avail on Thursday). Thus you have the weekend to play the (preceeding) weeks missions.
The fiction being delivered now (preceeding the episodes 'et al') is designed to give players some background to Wing Commander as well as introduce Secret Ops.
(Your callsign) is not like the password (not code.. see above) is tied to the game direction. It's just required to 'unlock' " run the executable.
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