On or around the CIC Fifth Birthday we'll be updating the Fan Directory a bit. We've also removed the small picture limitation that was originally in place, so your shots can be a little bigger or higher quality now. If you'd like to upgrade your directory entry or add a picture, please send it in. The picture part is especially welcome. Everyone wants to see how you look.
Someone has gone and done it. Soon there'll be a solar powered array for your Game Boy Advance. You'll be able to strap on a device that charges up energy in the sun and powers/lights your GBA in the dark. You can find this new device here. Perhaps this was made with the Boktai GBA in mind.
With the announcement that over a million GBAs have been sold in the area, Nintendo has announced that Europe will soon be getting the Arctic Blue and Flame Red GBA SP devices. Flame was recently confirmed for the US. The Arctic Blue looks a lot like the Platinum Silver at first, but has a frosty blue tint to it. It's similar to the Mana Blue color recently announced in Japan. You can find more on this announcement here.
There's lots of different things at DragonCon (over 1500 hours of specific programming according to their latest schedule), including collectible miniature gaming. Wiz Kids' Mech Warrior is a popular addition. Here's a shot of a tiny portion of their simulated battle terrain where they were showing off the game. There's an entire programming track at the convention devoted to collectible miniatures. Did you think that was an obscure niche? Then you probably didn't know there's a programming track devoted to LARPs (Live Action Role Plays). Think Ultima Online played out in real life (though certainly not limited to fantasy genres).
Weasel: This is the little plastic robot game that everyone got hooked on.
LOAF: I bought a starter of the robot game for my sister (Charlotte), and we played a few times at home (including outside once, which was cool). Unfortunately she *constantly* wanted to play, so I stopped buying the things.
ChrisReid: I've still got boxes of robots I've never opened.
Joe: There's something horribly wrong with any teenage-boys' game that includes a tape measure.
Death: Chris: What LOAF didn't mention was that between buying the robots and
getting back to Merry-land he was able to 0wnz0r everyone else, with
their pitiful, non-uber collections.
Hades: Notice the professional terrain set-up these guys had.
Today is also the last day to preorder your tickets for $60.
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