Lame insults you tossed

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Yes, your MySQL port, which allows shit to access your database, which is probably full of Wing Commander crap, is open.

Is it really that difficult a concept to grasp?
But the only thing that can use the open MySQL port is the local host... and to the best of my knowledge, it's only used for running stupid crap like this board... and it's something that'll be open on any server that uses similar features. So "LOMAOMNO YUOR MYSQL PORT IS OPEN!" is similar to "OH MY GOD! YOU WEAR SHOES ON YOUR FEET!"

It's, you know, not a menacing threat.
Bandit LOAF said:
He's not worth giving out The Avatar over.

But if you do happen to rend flesh from bone, I'll give you an avatar of a pancake with eyes saying "I thought this was Thursday!".


<picks Mohican axe and goes out hunting>
I thought it showed as filtered if it was localhost only?

Hey psych can you write a part *just* for him in one of the missions as you did with our other special friend? ;)
It's great how our two communities, though so often bitter rivals, can come together to make fun of a stupid guy. It's truly done fans of the space sim genre proud.

If only ATFW were still around to see this. *snif*
That would be so funny if it was "A." getting his tail blown up! :D :D


Oh, it is. HAHAHAHHAHAHHAH!!! *hits head on table from laughing*
Thank you for spoiling the fun of the rest of the people here. Please delete your post concerning that issue. :(
Dialup is fine. If we really cared, we could zap an IP range. Or just ban your account from posting now that we know you're one of those angry-tween type hackzors instead of someone with half a brain.

I'm pretty lazy, though. And this is free entertainment. I'm sure Kris and Hades will clean it all up later.
For the sake of accuracy...

I thought I'd take the Freespace vs Wing Commander image and adjust it to be more accurate. Since Freespace is an unsurprisingly derivative product released by a low-prestige developer trying to emulate a high-prestige developer, this comparison is far more appropriate:

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
I will have to agree that V were wanna-bie Origin's

the codebase is a MESS -- the lead programmer from the freespace 2 hates me for all time - because when I was 16 (long before the source code release) i told him how he wrote certain sections of the code based off of how it behavied (in buggy ways)... I was right.

Dave Baranec still hates my guts
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