Lame insults you tossed

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Ouch! Well, this is going downhill somewhat rapidly :(

Ok, the toothpaste advert was just a wee bit silly, I think that's the problem here, those jibes are just getting a bit long in the tooth, and theres a lot of people who have worked hard to bring Freespace up to DirectX8 standards, specular, glowmaps, , massive texture support, ambient lights, new weapon and missiles modes etc. and yet more to come. I remember someone posting pictures of people burning copies of Freespace 2 last year, it's funny for a while, but like you, we've been involved in this game for a long long time, it's a friend. And you can't just stand by and watch someone else insult your friend over and over without expecting this reaction.

That's all I really have to say on the matter :)
Kazan, next time you show up using my models to prove some stupid point, please don't ask me who 'the crap' I am. I have developed quite an ego lately, and I've also had enough of FreeSpace fans not taking jokes around here - if it wasn't for Psych, Lynx, and Tolwyn, I wouldn't be helping WC Saga at all... it often feels like there's too many idiots in the FreeSpace community to bother with the ones who happen to like WC as well.

an0n, I'm not sure what HLP is.

Guys, come on. Is this really the way you people want to represent yourselves? I already know what I think of an0n and Kazan - I've had past experience with them. But all this rubbish about which sim is better is pointless. You like Wing Commander? Great - so do I! I also like FreeSpace and while I prefer FS, I'm damned if I'll waste my time trying to explain why everyone else should think the same.

What's my point? Both series have their pros and cons. I dont need the WC fans to prove them to me, and I don't need to prove them to the WC fans. The space sim genre isn't exactly flourishing anyway - surely it would be more productive to make some cool mods / whatever to attract newcomers, rather than burn it all away in a blaze of opinions?

If you still can't follow what I'm trying to say - consider the ATI / nVidia debate. Ever consider that the fanboys of either side needed to get out more and just enjoy what they have, rather than prove it to others? Well thats how I see this as well.

By the way Eder, you've some nice looking stuff in your Standoff mod. Best of luck with it!

Edit: And for anyone who's interested - HLP (Hard Light Productions) is the current hub of modding and development for the FreeSpace series, as well as the Source Code Project (which has made the shots Kazan posted earlier possible). You can find it here: but I'd appreciate it if this mess doesn't go out of proportion. I wouldn't blame the administration here for locking this thread - and I'll do exactly the same to any thread there that grows out of friendly and well mannered debate (yeah, I'm one of the admins - and the co-founder. and indeed neither an0n nor Kazan speak for HLP as a site).

Thanks :)
But the simple fact is, Freespace is better. Both code-wise, game-wise and story-wise.

The only redeeming piece of the Wing Commander universe/series is Privateer.
Eder: i honestly didn't know _Who_ you were. I was just using them for examples of ingame models.

HLP is "Hard Light Productions" - the central site around which the FreeSpace 2 community revolves.

On the rare occasion that someone over there is lame and insults WC I jump down their throats just as much as I just jumped down Bandit LOAF and the rest of the CIC's throat. One gaming community dissing another is not something I tolerate.

[goes up to above posts and finds the links to the waterloo and the first oneand removes them]
I don't think this is a "which sim is better" argument at all. The owner of a website posted something on it, and then people come here saying they won't tolerate that or some such idiotic comment. And this keeps happening everytime someone throws a FS joke. It's not anyone's freaking job to policy what others should hate or what the CIC thinks they should post on their main page, specially since the joke/insult was clearly meant as an April fool's tongue-in-cheek sort of thing.

Kalfireth said:
By the way Eder, you've some nice looking stuff in your Standoff mod. Best of luck with it!
Thank you.
I just checked out the Standoff screenshots and I must agree with Kalfireth

I have personally written well in excess of 40,000 lines of code on my own free time for the FS2 Community - I don't like my work being attacked.

You know I'd do the same for overhere - if there was really a need for me to, but all the things i would do have already been done
I think the problem is that if someone came up to you and cracked the same old joke at you over and over and over and over, you'd turn round and hit them in the end wouldn't you?
Go pick on Tachyon or Starlancer or something else with less graphics capability than the SCP for a while ;)
*wallops an0n* shaddap, maybe he's trying not to target only extreme high end systems like the SCP is doing right now

Let me remind you than will all the features turned on my peak memory usage shoots over 300megs even with taylor's fix. The stuff we enabled requires a LOT of memory. (more than it should, when im finished with the IRC client for the Lobby and whatnot I will trying and do some optimizing)
They got pissed because when FS came out everyone went "Dude! Best space-sim ever. It kicks WC's ass".

And it's continued since those fateful days.

But, unlike them, our stuff keeps getting better thanks to the SCP.
What Kazan is trying to say is: While you people are stuck with....What? Secret Ops? We've got new features, ships, missions and campaigns coming out so fast that in a few months, when the WC community is naught but a crumbling pile of 1's and 0's in the ass-end of the internet, nestled between the gay porn and the rape-fetish sites, FreeSpace will still be being played on Windows, Linux, Mac and even X-Box if we can find enough people to do the coding.

I don't really view "EA hasn't thrown Wing Commander to the dogs yet" as something negative at all.

I'm not a huge fan of the fan-made stuff (I respect the hell out of the guys, but I don't usually play it), but teams like Standoff and WCS are doing an amazing job keeping people entertained. Have you seen the Standoff screenshots? Eder and company have done a really amazing job - *without* any source code.

The community is strong, too - we're getting more hits and more board usage than we did back when Prophecy came out. That's all because of what fans like you guys have done, and that's amazing and humbling to me. EA will produce a new WC game someday - todays news is a vauge hint of what's coming - but until then we're doing a great job on our own. When is Descent 5 coming out, anyway :)?

Or to put it simply: We have source. Screw you.

And *our* game didn't kill the space sim genre for five years. So... you know, you already *did* screw us.

As for LOAF he's always had a mouth on him, and he's always annoyed me - taking pop-shots at a game engine he knows absolutely nothing about is intolerable. If he think's the engine is so inferior he can come over to our forums and start looking at every screenshots of every SCP feature.

I'm fairly familiar with Freespace (and what it did to my favorite game).

I'm also pretty sure I'd *never* go to a Freespace board to complain about Freespace or Freespace fans... because I'm not a huge jackass.

You're calling the FS2 engine and it's models crappy when I'm sorry, but it was superior to the WCP engine, hands down -- I have more 'love' for the WC franchise than for the FS2 franchise - but I will defend the technologically superior one from insults from the other.

Then, no offense to Psych and the WCS guys, why does Standoff look visually more impressive?

Now we've taken what [V] did origionally and taken it a lot further. When you insult FS2 now you're not insulting volition, you're insulting the SCP team and everyone else who's worked their butts off to improve the game. We don't post things on our main fansites insulting the WC games or game engines.

No, I'm not. If you choose to believe that, it's a completely stupid decision you've made for yourself. I have an intense and justified grudge against Volition, I think Freespace is an awful game, but I have never and would never attack a fan project. That just is absolutely not kosher in my mind. My hilarious update made that pretty clear - as I went so far as to mention the Volition guys by name.
Damn, I'm just away a few days and you kids go nuts.

Kaz, no one insulted the Freespace engine, some people just sounded their dislike for the Freespace universe and ship designs, but it is a matter of taste and not a technical thing,o take it or leave it. The SO engine is in no way more or less advanced than the old FS engine, with FS having the advantage of a public source code. I' sure SO would have the same stunning eye candy if someone smart gets hold of the code. It's a matter of personal preference which engine you prefer, though you should give credit to the SO modders since their engine is fecking hard(tm) to mod compared to FS, but they achieved much more in certain aspects like immersiveness and 'feel', if you ask me. I'd apreciate it if you stopped to bug Eder, WCSaga wouldn't look the same without his models.


I like crips with onion and sour cream flavour for my life but others say they stink and taste like bantha poodooh, but I don't go on a holy crusade every time someone calls my beloved crisps wit such nasty names, or would you?
If you source code junkies think the FS2 engine is so much better then WC, then get out of here and spend your time modifying the code so that it supports an autopilot and multiple nav points - so it'll be just like Wing Commander.

Until you do that, shut your mouth.

psych, the evil script writer who's so anti-WC canon that he assumed that Laconda IV was destroyed by bioweapons
psych: you know I was intending on writing autopilot and multiple nav points support in to the engine myself to help you with your mod - you didn't know that did you? STFU, they came from different fundamental designs.

I could be petulant and not code it in for you ever, but I probably won't be - I love WC too much to let some little arse who think's he is everything when he hasn't done one tenth of the things i've done for gaming keep me from doing things that will promote WC.

As for your little childish pop-shot about canon - like i said, I consider the games more canon than the books - end of story

PS: If i could get my hands on the Prophecy engine source i'd be all over that like white on rice

as for the technology behind it - FS1 gets beaten on by WCP
FS2 Comcerical beats out WCP by a noticeable, but slim, margin

FS2 SCP beats them all hands down - but that's to be expected of something that's been updated.

As for the claim of "killing the SFCS genre for five yeras" - I think Freelancer and Starlancer did more of that - Interplay also set up a self-fulfilling prophecy with FS2 - they didn't think it would sell well, so they didn't advertise it much, since nobody knew about it it didn't sell much.

Interplay and Microsoft (And Chris Roberts himself!) killed the SFCS genre for five years.

Chris' little brother with Priv2 and WCSO didn't help much either
Calm down calm down people.

The CIC's cracks are against the orginial FSs and [V] not SCP and the marvelous job they have done and will continue to do.

Peace. Peace.
I'm not sure that's necessary Lynx - but I would request that someone lock this thread. If its left open then someone is going to continue to post here and it's only going to go on.. and on.. and on. Lets just let this die.
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