What Kazan is trying to say is: While you people are stuck with....What? Secret Ops? We've got new features, ships, missions and campaigns coming out so fast that in a few months, when the WC community is naught but a crumbling pile of 1's and 0's in the ass-end of the internet, nestled between the gay porn and the rape-fetish sites, FreeSpace will still be being played on Windows, Linux, Mac and even X-Box if we can find enough people to do the coding.
I don't really view "EA hasn't thrown Wing Commander to the dogs yet" as something negative at all.
I'm not a huge fan of the fan-made stuff (I respect the hell out of the guys, but I don't usually play it), but teams like Standoff and WCS are doing an amazing job keeping people entertained. Have you seen the Standoff screenshots? Eder and company have done a really amazing job - *without* any source code.
The community is strong, too - we're getting more hits and more board usage than we did back when Prophecy came out. That's all because of what fans like you guys have done, and that's amazing and humbling to me. EA will produce a new WC game someday - todays news is a vauge hint of what's coming - but until then we're doing a great job on our own. When is Descent 5 coming out, anyway
Or to put it simply: We have source. Screw you.
And *our* game didn't kill the space sim genre for five years. So... you know, you already *did* screw us.
As for LOAF he's always had a mouth on him, and he's always annoyed me - taking pop-shots at a game engine he knows absolutely nothing about is intolerable. If he think's the engine is so inferior he can come over to our forums and start looking at every screenshots of every SCP feature.
I'm fairly familiar with Freespace (and what it did to my favorite game).
I'm also pretty sure I'd *never* go to a Freespace board to complain about Freespace or Freespace fans... because I'm not a huge jackass.
You're calling the FS2 engine and it's models crappy when I'm sorry, but it was superior to the WCP engine, hands down -- I have more 'love' for the WC franchise than for the FS2 franchise - but I will defend the technologically superior one from insults from the other.
Then, no offense to Psych and the WCS guys, why does Standoff look visually more impressive?
Now we've taken what [V] did origionally and taken it a lot further. When you insult FS2 now you're not insulting volition, you're insulting the SCP team and everyone else who's worked their butts off to improve the game. We don't post things on our main fansites insulting the WC games or game engines.
No, I'm not. If you choose to believe that, it's a completely stupid decision you've made for yourself. I have an intense and justified grudge against Volition, I think Freespace is an awful game, but I have never and would never attack a fan project. That just is absolutely not kosher in my mind. My hilarious update made that pretty clear - as I went so far as to mention the Volition guys by name.