My time spend on the Privateer Remake project as QA guy and team member - it was a fight about every little decision that would have made the game more like Privateer. I still remember the discussion with Mamiyaotaru about the Radar colors. I wanted them changed to the Wing Commander Privateer standard and he just said why? In the end i think he changed them in the Remake but not for friendly units. I asked him why he doesn't change them from green to blue and the answer was "I like green." And that's a very simple but perfect example what's pretty much the same with all decisions concerning the project.
There was the possibility to go on and fight about every little (logical) decision and become crazy (and even then i would have no idea if it will really materialize in a future version) or start over with what we had for a more pleasant ending. That was Privateer Gemini Gold 1.0 which still needs alot of work but at least heads to the right direction. I know many changes that i would have fought for years to get them into PR will find with PGG their way into WCU and PR 1.x without even being mentioned and without any heated discussion about given facts...
The wcu vs forum is pretty much the same but 200% much more worse. Many people don't even know Wing Commander but want to decide about stuff and discuss it until the other side is too tired to answer. I love the idea of WCU but i wouldn't survive the permanent fights. It's a very destructive atmosphere over there, that's why i keep my mouth shut.
I remember a fight about the realism of kps for the speed of ships (uii yeah that is really important like hell), they wanted to change it to mps or something. At the end they left kps but increased the planet sizes then released a "new version" and realized that now all ships are crashing into the planets...
No self control, no control at all that's what wcu is, a bunch of people throwing stuff together:
1. Which they like (is coooool)
2. Which were somehow in a Wing Commander game
3. Which 11 year old kids are requesting for fun, sorry
Spiritplumber is pretty much the queen of the mess, not that i don't get around with her but it's just another simple fact
To solve the whole problem they would need a person who leads them, who's familiar with Wing Commander and decides but they don't want a leader because they all want to lead but where does it lead them? 90% will die on a heart attack sooner or later and the remaining people will kill themselves when they meet (someday). Maybe one will survive and release WCU 0.5 - still not playable but cool! at least for the one who survived it.
However there are also a few very nice wcu/vs people i stay in private contact with which are contributing to PGG and can discuss something without taking everything personal and freak out. It works and it's fun - no frustration and good progress
Now what do we learn from these few lines?
1. Don't take my opinion too serious, we are all getting along with each other don't we?
2. Something must change for the WCU people but they have to do it alone, there's no god that will speak to them.
3. Do not listen to people who just spam to get attention listen to people who are familiar with Wing Commander maybe more familiar than you.
What shouldn't you (wcu people) do now?
1. Start an unimportant fight about my post.
2. Shoot yourself.
And what should you (wcu people) do?
1. Sleep a night over this and think about your future.
2. Take valerian first