Bandit LOAF
Long Live the Confederation!
M-k. In light of that, I retract "but left out the others around it". Apologies. However, it looks exactly as I had remembered it, as a discussion about modding, and spirit suggested vegastrike. I might add that the mention of WCU was simply to offer using pre rendered ships, not to advertise the mod itself.
It looks to me like it's someone specifically asking for help with *Secret Ops*... to which Spirit replies saying he should be using WCU.
Ok for one thing spirit is a SHE!!!!!
No, he's not. If dressing up as a woman is your creepy sex thing, more power to you... I'm sure we all have horrible, terrible creepy sex things... but Spirit uses it to take advantage of my community, not as some kind of free expression.
In the context of that awful livejournal, I can compare it only to how actual women pretend to be men on the internet because they *do* want to be treated equally. We have several cases of that here, I consider it the height of nobility... and Spirit is the point furthest from that. He wants to be special, he wants to use people - so he's a cute little girl online.
The problem lies within the fact that the CIC pretty much belongs to the more senior members here. Ergo they feel they have the right to push their own agendas, and do not appreciate others pushing a different agenda. Since WCU / PR / VS-in-general is not part of the 'CIC' agenda, it's a touchy subject and spirit was the unfortunate victim of championing her cause on a handful of occasions in what she considered to be a helpful manner. LOAF considered it spamming.
See, the problem here is that you're crazy. There's no "CIC agenda" - that's a kind of stupid conspiracy theory that's well beyond our poor power. We barely manage to write a pair of news updates every day -- we're not meeting in dark rooms and plotting the downfall of kings and princes. 'I'm being oppressed! They're out to get me!' is a sentiment that only seems cool to the person making it... it's the most tired, see-through cliche of all to everybody watching in 2005.
You're only shooting yourself in the foot by developing incestously. Here's a fun example: someone posted a 'title screen' image to use with WCU to your forums. Everybody there responded with some attaboys. You're so great, you're so find, etc. But you know what? Any real Wing Commander fan looks at that title screen and laughs his ass off -- because right there, center screen is a Concordia-class carrier... and you forgot to flip it. Seems completely inconsequential to the casual viewer - but to everybody here it's the absolute biggest possiblye sign that your fly is open. We all go 'hah! that model is straight out of RealSpace!'
Yes, we're a rough, coarse group - if we saw it, we'd make fun of it instead of patting you on the back... somebody would have to feel bad for a minute... but we'd mean well, and your mod would get fixed. Learn to handle that and you can have a good game someday.