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Uhm, it seems that my knowledge of the Terran language (if you can call that babbling "language", rather the sounds of a prey species. <g>) is not sufficient to understand what you said... but given the thread intention, I just assume it was an insult, meaning that it is me who is reeking...
So then: Bah, that stench you Terrans spread is nauseating. That stench of fear and weakness is really unsupportable.
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt

Uhm, it seems that my knowledge of the Terran language (if you can call that babbling "language", rather the sounds of a prey species. <g>) is not sufficient to understand what you said... but given the thread intention, I just assume it was an insult, meaning that it is me who is reeking...
So then: Bah, that stench you Terrans spread is nauseating. That stench of fear and weakness is really unsupportable.

That ain't fear. That's your socks.

-- Brian P.

PS. English is not your first language, right? If you
can post the parts that were incomprehensible, those of
us who are crippled with being nearly English-only
may be able to translate it into something more

PPS. No, I'm not going to let up on you about events
in WCP -- I'm a time traveler for that period and I will
insult you about your certain, unchangeable future!

-- BDP.

PPPS. I believe most of the people on this thread have
a different first language than English. Although it's
out of character on this thread, allow me to complement
ALL of you -- I can't tell the difference between you
and the native speakers!

-- BDP.

[Edited by pendell on 04-13-2001 at 16:20]
Grrr. pendell, you insult me by being kind to me. Very well, that's the whole point of this thread :) ?
So,so you are a time traveller? It seems you are not from too far away in the future, since if you were really futuristic you would know about the unevitable triumph of the Kilrathi over the humans.

OOC: uch, thanks a lot pendell. You're right, I live in Germany.
My problems was "enima". What's that, please?
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt

Uhm, it seems that my knowledge of the Terran language (if you can call that babbling "language", rather the sounds of a prey species. <g> is not sufficient to understand what you said... but given the thread intention, I just assume it was an insult, meaning that it is me who is reeking...
So then: Bah, that stench you Terrans spread is nauseating. That stench of fear and weakness is really unsupportable.

want a definition of enima?
It means flushing out the bowls with water. :yuck: :p
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Ah. I am afraid that won't get me rid of those terran parasites.

nope. you will have fleas for the rest of your life :D.
though it will be mercifully quick
I did not mean fleas, I do not have those. I meant larger parasites, who try to infest the whole universe. I meant you, terran worm, your species.
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Ah. I am afraid that won't get me rid of those terran parasites.

That'll teach you. If I've told you once, I've told you
a hundred times -- the white bowl in the bathroom is
NOT FOR DRINKING!!! It's for - oh, never mind.

-- Brian P.

PS. I am indeed from the far future, and if you
really want to know what happened to the Kilrathi --
ever read "Time Machine" by H.G. Welles? We bred
them with Terran housecats to produce a superior
breed of pest control. It wasn't easy -- housecats
have standards -- but with electroshock therapy
one can accomplish ANYTHING.

-- BDP

[Edited by pendell on 04-13-2001 at 17:30]
Wishful thinking human, for your race shall be shown the right place they deserve in the universe: at the mercy of your Kilrathi masters.
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Wishful thinking human, for your race shall be shown the right place they deserve in the universe: at the mercy of your Kilrathi masters.

I don't know about your lifestyle but i don't go into that S&M stuff :p

seya tommorrow. visiting relitives.
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Wishful thinking human, for your race shall be shown the right place they deserve in the universe.

Time will tell, eh? But that is where you are wrong. Time
HAS told. And you will be our housecats, not our masters!
Wait... is there really a great difference? Cat owners,
what do you say?

-- Brian P.
Originally posted by pendell
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Wishful thinking human, for your race shall be shown the right place they deserve in the universe.

Time will tell, eh? But that is where you are wrong. Time
HAS told. And you will be our housecats, not our masters!
Wait... is there really a great difference? Cat owners,
what do you say?

-- Brian P.

Well when I look at my black-white idiot that always wakes me up at 4 o' clock am, no... He does what he likes, anyway
Originally posted by Quarto

You make me think someone already did!
I once owned a dog who was smarter than you.
He must have taught you everything you know...
Straight from Monkey Island, Quarto... :D

We should start another thread, and call it "Monkey Island insult contest"... ;)
Originally posted by pendell
Doesn't happen in any of the WC stories, does it? Clearly the human race has outgrown such petty shenanigans. The Kilrathi, still semi-feral, have not yet reached
that point.

Oh, yes, we did fall for the Jaktu twice. And we have
cause to be ashamed. We have cause to be ashamed that
we actually believed that Kilrathi drivel about being
an "honorable" race. They are not. They are little
more than upright, walking animals.

-- Brian P.

Never happened in WC, huh? I imagine the Border Worlders were pretty darn surprised when their space was invaded, their pilots ambushed, and their colonies hit by bio-weapons, all at the hands of their supposed "allies".

And as for being ashamed, yes, you should be, for thinking that a warrior species sees things in exactly the same you prey animals do. For a hunter, there is nothing dishonourable about the Jak-Tu.

Best, Raptor
Originally posted by $tormin
What do you call killing 4,000,000,000 kilrathi?

taking out the trash :D

[Edited by $tormin on 04-13-2001 at 16:59]

What do call killing 4,000,000,000 Humans?

A Good start. :D

Best, Raptor
Originally posted by pendell
Doesn't happen in any of the WC stories, does it? Clearly the human race has outgrown such petty shenanigans. The Kilrathi, still semi-feral, have not yet reached that point...We have cause to be ashamed that
we actually believed that Kilrathi drivel about being
an "honorable" race.

Feral animals have honor too! :D
Originally posted by pendell
Your hemorrhoids are flaring up again, eh?
Have you stopped wearing diapers yet?
Why, do you want to borrow one?
I've talked to beggars more polite than you! :)

Great, great game ;).

[Edited by Quarto on 04-13-2001 at 22:40]
Originally posted by mpanty

Straight from Monkey Island, Quarto... :D
We should start another thread, and call it "Monkey Island insult contest"... ;)

Aww, that would be unfair. I only have the German translation and I would like so much to participate in that contest. Monkey Island was soo cool. I never played 3 and 4 though, are they any good?

Why should the Kilrathi be honorable towards an unworthy prey?
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