Wing Commander Secret Ops Communications - Giant

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Secret Ops communications associated with the Confederation fighter pilots that use the set of communications from Drago in Wing Commander Prophecy.

Video Loops

Download: AGENHELM.mp4

Download: BGENHELM.mp4

Download: DGENHELM.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00130000.wav No Enemies Nobody home.
00130001.wav Some Enemies Uh oh!
00130002.wav Some Enemies Hmmm... looks like we found some.
00130003.wav Many Enemies There's a whole lot of bad guys around.
00130004.wav Player Kill That was pretty.
00130005.wav Player Kill Real nice.
00130006.wav Player Kill You did good.
00130007.wav KIA ARRRGH!
00130008.wav Ejecting Ejecting.
00130009.wav Ejecting Punching out.
00130010.wav Friendly Fire Don't shoot me.
00130011.wav Friendly Fire I told you not to shoot me.
00130012.wav Fighters Cleared Do we attack now?
00130013.wav Reinforcements Here We're here.
00130014.wav Reinforcements Here Got some help for you.
00130015.wav Wingman KIA They'll pay for that.
00130016.wav Bridge Destroyed The bridge is broken. Get it?
00130017.wav Shields Destroyed I think the shields are down.
00130018.wav Engines Destroyed It's not going anywhere.
00130019.wav Escorts Cleared Your turn.
00130020.wav Objective Sighted I see it!
00130021.wav Objective Not Sighted I don't see it!
00130022.wav Mission Successful All done.
00130023.wav Mission Failed We can't do it.
00130024.wav Negative Uh... I'd like to... I mean, I would, but... I can't.
00130025.wav Negative No, sir.
00130026.wav Negative I really can't do that.
00130027.wav Negative That's too hard.
00130028.wav Wing: Attack Turrets Attack those turrets.
00130029.wav Wing: Break and Attack Attack them.
00130030.wav Wing: Break and Attack Everybody go!
00130031.wav Protect Wing from Turrets Watch for fighters, OK?
00130032.wav Wing: Follow Player's Orders Do what he said.
00130033.wav Wing: Attack Target Yeah. That's a good idea.
00130034.wav Wing: Disengage Stay next to me.
00130035.wav Wing: Retreat Everybody go home.
00130036.wav Attacking Capital Ship I got him.
00130037.wav Ready to Engage I'm ready to fight.
00130038.wav Exclamation When do I get to do something?
00130039.wav Enemies Inbound Wow!
00130040.wav Enemies Inbound They're coming!
00130041.wav Enemies Inbound Here come some bad guys!
00130042.wav Missile Fired Missile fired.
00130043.wav Torpedo Fired I launched a torpedo.
00130044.wav Capital Ship Hit I think I got it!
00130045.wav Need Help I need some help, please.
00130046.wav Helping Player I'll take care of it for you.
00130047.wav Returning to Base I need to go back.
00130048.wav Scored Kill I got him! I got him!
00130049.wav Scored Kill Got one!
00130050.wav Scored Kill He's dead.
00130051.wav Scored Kill Did you see that? I hit him!
00130052.wav Nav Point Clear I don't like this place.
00130053.wav Enemy Turrets Active Those turrets keep shooting me!
00130054.wav Some Damage I'm hurt some.
00130055.wav Some Damage Been hit a couple of times.
00130056.wav No Damage I'm OK.
00130057.wav Worst Damage It's real bad.
00130058.wav Player Traitor Now you made me mad.
00130059.wav Taking Command Everybody listen to me now.
00130060.wav Taunt I'll pound you.
00130061.wav Taunt I hate roaches.
00130062.wav Taunt I see him!
00130063.wav Taunt You don't scare me.
00130064.wav Taunt I like it when bugs go crunch.
00130065.wav Taunt I'm ready for you!
00130066.wav Saved by Player Thanks.
00130067.wav Saved by Player Good morning, sir.
00130068.wav Affirmative OK.
00130069.wav Affirmative Yeah.
00130070.wav Affirmative All right.
00130071.wav Affirmative Yes, sir.