Wing Commander Secret Ops Communications - TCS Cerberus

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This page collects all of the Secret Ops communications associated with the TCS Cerberus with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.

Video Loops

Download: AGCAPITL.mp4

Download: DGCAPITL.mp4

Download: AGSRANGE.mp4

Download: DGSRANGE.mp4

Download: AGLRANGE.mp4

Download: DGLRANGE.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
01620000.wav Nav Point Clear Cerberus reporting : Area clear!
01620001.wav Nav Point Clear That's it, Lieutenant. Radar reports all clear.
01620002.wav Nav Point Clear All alien presence has been destroyed.
01620003.wav KIA Hull integrity weakening...Cerberus reporting fire on all decks! Abandon...AAAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHH!!!
01620004.wav Friendly Fire Check your fire, Lieutenant!
01620005.wav Friendly Fire Cerberus reporting friendly fire! Casey, this cruiser isn't cheap!
01620006.wav Misson Succesful Mission accomplished, Lieutenant. Bring it on home!
01620007.wav Misson Succesful Nice work, Alpha One. You're clear to land.
01620008.wav Mission Failed Your mission is a FAILURE! Return to base!
01620009.wav Mission Failed We cannot afford to lose, Lieutenant! I guess you're clear to land!
01620010.wav Mission Failed Inexcusable, Alpha One! Any more failures will cost us this war! Land immediately!
01620011.wav Enemy Sighted We have multiple bogies inbound!
01620012.wav Enemy Sighted We have company, Alpha One.
01620013.wav Taking Damage We're taking damage, Lieutenant! We need assistance immediately!
01620014.wav Taking Damage Cerberus reporting damage.
01620015.wav Taking Damage Report, Alpha One! The Cerberus is under fire!
01620016.wav Moderate Damage We have taken moderate damage, Alpha One.
01620017.wav Moderate Damage We've taken a few hits, Lieutenant.
01620018.wav Moderate Damage Cerberus reporting Moderate Damage.
01620019.wav Severe Damage We've seen better days, Casey.
01620020.wav No Damage We're doing fine, Lieutenant!
01620021.wav No Damage Not a scratch!
01620022.wav Severe Damage Cerberus reporting: CRITICAL DAMAGE!
01620023.wav Severe Damage We can barely hold it together, Casey!
01620024.wav Treason That's it, Lieutenant; Now you DIE!
01620025.wav Treason All pilots: we have a defector! Concentrate fire on Alpha One!
01620026.wav Player Rescue Thanks, Alpha One. We needed that.
01620027.wav Player Rescue Nice work, Casey.
01620028.wav Player Rescue Good to see you, Alpha One.
01620029.wav First Encounter This is the TCS Cerberus reporting. Greetings, Lieutenant.
01620030.wav First Encounter Cover our asses, Casey!
01620031.wav First Encounter Keep them off our backs, Alpha One!
01620032.wav First Encounter We expect you to protect us, Lieutenant.
01620033.wav Score Kill Enemy ship destroyed.
01620034.wav Score Kill Cerberus turrets reporting a kill!
01620035.wav Score Kill Chalk one up for the Cerberus.