Wing Commander Secret Ops Communications - SAR Sierra One Nine

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This page collects all of the Secret Ops communications associated with the SAR Sierra One Nine with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series. SAR Sierra One Nine's communications are identical to Wing Commander Prophecy.

Video Loops

Download: AGENHELM.mp4

Download: BGENHELM.mp4

Download: DGENHELM.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00700000.wav Nav Point Clear No sign of him here.
00700001.wav Enemy Sighted This is SAR Sierra One Niner. We have detected enemy activity.
00700002.wav KIA We are unarmed! PLEASE! STOP! AAAAAAAAAAH!
00700003.wav Friendly Fire Sir! Hold your fire!
00700004.wav Friendly Fire We are an unarmed vessel! Hold your fire!
00700005.wav SAR Cover us, sir. We're making our pickup.
00700006.wav SAR Search and Rescue Sierra One Niner, reporting in.
00700007.wav SAR We've found him, sir! Repeat, we've found him!
00700008.wav SAR We've got his ID signal, but it's pretty weak. Stand by...
00700009.wav SAR We got him, sir. Let's get the hell out of here!
00700010.wav SAR We've lost him, sir. Let's head for home.
00700011.wav Negative No, sir.
00700012.wav Requesting Assistance These guys are making our job tough. Can you handle them?
00700013.wav Requesting Assistance Whoa! Is that thing supposed to be here?
00700014.wav Requesting Assistance This is shuttle Sierra One Niner. Hostiles are approaching!
00700015.wav Requesting Assistance We are in need of support IMMEDIATELY!
00700016.wav Returning to Base SAR team here. We're packing it in.
00700017.wav Requesting Assistance Cease fire! We are NOT armed!
00700018.wav No Damage Everything's OK here.
00700019.wav Moderate Damage Nothing we can't handle, but we've taken some hits.
00700020.wav Severe Damage We are severely damaged! Requesting fighter support!
00700021.wav Treason Your actions will be reported to Confed Command.
00700022.wav Taunt Alien craft: we are an unarmed rescue vessel.
00700023.wav Taunt Alien craft: we request safe passage.
00700024.wav Player Rescue Good to see you, Casey.
00700025.wav Affirmative Yes, sir.