Wing Commander Secret Ops Communications - Series A

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Series A.


Courage A1

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05120000.wav Zero Cerberus! This is Alpha wing. We have alien contact! Repeat: We have alien contact and we have been engaged!
05120001.wav Zero Must've been a long-range patrol. But, I can't imagine the bugs getting a carrier this deep into Confed space.
05120002.wav Maestro Man! I thought this was over!
05120003.wav TCS Cerberus Pilots, continue your sweep. We'll work on sending a message to Confed HQ.
05120004.wav Zero The Morays are running from us, Casey! We have to nail them before they escape!
05120005.wav Maestro Stupid aliens! Cowards! Fight! You can't out-run me! Little alien bastards!
05120006.wav TCS Cerberus Not bad. You're clear to land. Well, it looks like you failed that one pretty good.
05120007.wav TCS Cerberus Go ahead and land, I guess.

Courage A2a/A2b

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05120008.wav Maestro How in the Hell did the bugs get here? This is Sol sector, man!
05120009.wav Zero Intel seems to think that the aliens could have moved their forces from Kilrah into Epsilon sector. It's possible they could have gotten as far as Valgard before the Border Worlds found them.
05120010.wav Maestro Where's Valgard? And, who cares? I wanna know how they got here!
05120011.wav Zero Valgard will put them six jumps from central Vega. Something to think about, but we'd better get to work. Casey, we're ready when you are.
05120012.wav TCS Cerberus Launching bombers!

Courage A3

05120013.wav TCS Cerberus Launching fighters!
05120014.wav TCS Cerberus We're under attack, Lieutenant!
05120015.wav TCS Cerberus That's one for the bugs, guys! Come on!
05120016.wav TCS Cerberus We're losing ground very quickly, people!
05120017.wav TCS Cerberus You morons! You were supposed to protect us!
05120018.wav Maestro Look at all these GOD DAMNED ALIENS!
05120019.wav Zero Keep your head, Maestro.
05120020.wav Zero Say it with me, Maestro: 'We're gonna miss you, bug!' Say it!
05120021.wav Zero Say it with me, Maestro: 'We're gonna miss you, bug!' Say it!
05120022.wav Maestro You guys are so funny! I think I'm gonna spit my bones out!
05120023.wav TCS Cerberus Bad ass, people! Climb aboard and we'll take it from here.