Wing Commander Secret Ops Communications - Stiletto

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Secret Ops communications associated with Stiletto with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series. Stiletto's communications are original to Secret Ops.

Video Loops

Download: AGENHELM.mp4

Download: BGENHELM.mp4

Download: DGENHELM.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00450000.wav No Enemies Zero enemies detected. Proceed with mission as planned.
00450001.wav No Enemies Enemy presence has been eliminated.
00450002.wav Some Enemies Here we go...Enemies inbound.
00450003.wav Many Enemies We have multiple bogies inbound.
00450004.wav Player Kill Alright! Good kill! Keep it coming!
00450005.wav KIA NOOOOYAAAAGGHH--{transmission interrupted}
00450006.wav Ejecting Can't control...Eject! Eject! Eject!
00450007.wav Friendly Fire Check your fire, Lieutenant.
00450008.wav Friendly Fire Lieutenant, I am not playing games here.
00450009.wav Fighters Cleared Roger. Maneuvering for position.
00450010.wav Reinforcements Here I've got your back, Alpha One.
00450011.wav Wingman KIA I've lost a wingman. Proceeding with mission as planned.
00450012.wav Bridge Destroyed Reporting: Bridge destroyed.
00450013.wav Shields Destroyed Reporting: Shield emitter destroyed. Concentrate fire on vital areas.
00450014.wav Engines Destroyed She's crippled now, engines have been destroyed.
00450015.wav Escorts Cleared We've done our part. Now it's your turn.
00450016.wav Objective Sighted We've come to the right place, now let's knock down the door.
00450017.wav Objective Not Sighted No objective in sight. Proceed with planned nav route.
00450018.wav Mission Successful Mission goals completed. Good work people.
00450019.wav Mission Failed Objectives have been compromised. Return to base.
00450020.wav Negative No.
00450021.wav Wing: Attack Turrets Turret defenses are heavy. We need to pull the teeth on this Big Boy.
00450022.wav Wing: Break and Attack My wing: Pick your targets and fire at will.
00450023.wav Protect Wing from Turrets All available pilots: Cover my Wing.
00450024.wav Wing: Follow Player's Orders You got it Alpha One. I'm on my way.
00450025.wav Wing: Disengage My Wing: Assume your positions.
00450026.wav Wing: Retreat We're done here folks. My wing: Return to base.
00450027.wav Request Status What's your status, pilot?
00450028.wav Request Status My Wing: Status Report.
00450029.wav Attack My Target All pilots: Concentrate fire on my target.
00450030.wav Attacking Capital Ship Locking target and starting my attack.
00450031.wav Ready to Engage You give the word, Lieutenant. I'm at your command.
00450032.wav Exclamation This wasn't part of the briefing.
00450033.wav Enemy Sighted We've got live ones inbound.
00450034.wav Missile Fired Fox one. Missile away.
00450035.wav Torpedo Fired Torpedo fired.
00450036.wav Capital Ship Hit That's one less big bug to deal with.
00450037.wav Need Help Cover me, I'm taking heat over here.
00450038.wav Helping Player Reporting, I'm on my way.
00450039.wav Returning to Base Affirmative. Heading home.
00450040.wav Scored Kill Alright! Add another one to my bug count.
00450041.wav Nav Point Clear This isn't good, Lieutenant.
00450042.wav Taking Damage I'm taking fire, here!!!
00450043.wav Enemy Turrets Active Caution: Turrets are still active.
00450044.wav Some Damage Don't worry about me, watch your own tail.
00450045.wav No Damage I can take care of myself...Can you?
00450046.wav Worst Damage System damage heavy. I could use some real help!
00450047.wav Player Traitor And to think I trusted you. Now you will DIE!
00450048.wav Taking Command All pilots on this wing are receiving orders from me now.
00450049.wav Taunt Let's see which species is dominant.
00450050.wav Saved by Player That was close. Thanks.
00450051.wav Saved by Player It's about time you showed up.
00450052.wav Saved Player I'm gonna declaw you, kitty.
00450053.wav Wing Undamaged Showing no losses.
00450054.wav Wing Damage Moderate We're handling the situation.
00450055.wav Wing Damage Severe We've taken heavy losses.
00450056.wav Affirmative Roger.