Wing Commander Secret Ops Communications - Spyder

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Secret Ops communications associated with Spyder with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series. Spyder's communications are original to Secret Ops.

Video Loops

Download: AGENHELM.mp4

Download: BGENHELM.mp4

Download: DGENHELM.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00420000.wav No Enemies Scanners are clear. Let's move out.
00420001.wav No Enemies All targets eliminated.
00420002.wav Some Enemies Bogies coming in.
00420003.wav Many Enemies Contact. Multiple targets.
00420004.wav Player Kill Excellent work.
00420005.wav KIA Come on Baby! COME ON----{transmission interrupted}
00420006.wav Ejecting Damn...Ejecting!
00420007.wav Friendly Fire WTF, Over.
00420008.wav Friendly Fire Do that again and you're history kid.
00420009.wav Fighters Cleared Roger that.
00420010.wav Reinforcements Here This is Spyder reporting on station.
00420011.wav Wingman KIA your backs.
00420012.wav Bridge Destroyed Bridge destroyed. Target is blind.
00420013.wav Shields Destroyed Shield emitters destroyed. Target is vulnerable.
00420014.wav Engines Destroyed Engines destroyed. Target immobilized.
00420015.wav Escorts Cleared We've got ya covered.
00420016.wav Objective Sighted Target sighted.
00420017.wav Objective Not Sighted Stay sharp.
00420018.wav Mission Successful Yeah, great work people.
00420019.wav Mission Failed Dammit.
00420020.wav Negative That's a negative.
00420021.wav Wing: Attack Turrets All fighters: Let's clean off those turrets.
00420022.wav Wing: Break and Attack My Wing: Break and attack.
00420023.wav Protect Wing from Turrets Cover us, we're going in.
00420024.wav Wing: Follow Player's Orders You've got your orders. Move out!
00420025.wav Wing: Disengage Return to formation.
00420026.wav Wing: Retreat Clear the area.
00420027.wav Request Status Give me a status report.
00420028.wav Request Status All craft: Report in.
00420029.wav Attack My Target Engage this target.
00420030.wav Attacking Capital Ship This is Spyder starting my attack.
00420031.wav Ready to Engage Standing by.
00420032.wav Exclamation Holy Crap!
00420033.wav Enemy Sighted Multiple targets, closing fast!
00420034.wav Missile Fired Firing missile.
00420035.wav Torpedo Fired Torpedo away.
00420036.wav Capital Ship Hit Aw yeah, scratch one heavy!
00420037.wav Need Help I can't shake him!
00420038.wav Helping Player Engaging!
00420039.wav Returning to Base Returning to base.
00420040.wav Scored Kill Target eliminated.
00420041.wav Nav Point Clear I smell trouble...
00420042.wav Taking Damage Taking fire here!
00420043.wav Enemy Turrets Active Watch for that turret fire, boys.
00420044.wav Some Damage I've taken a few hits.
00420045.wav No Damage I'm cherry.
00420046.wav Worst Damage This bucket's had it.
00420047.wav Player Traitor You traitorous scum!
00420048.wav Taking Command I'm taking command of this thing.
00420049.wav Taunt Come on, punk...
00420050.wav Saved by Player Thanks...I owe you one.
00420051.wav Saved by Player About time you showed up...
00420052.wav Saved Player Step into my parlor...
00420053.wav Wing Undamaged We're clean.
00420054.wav Wing Damage Moderate We're holding our own.
00420055.wav Wing Damage Severe We might be in trouble.
00420056.wav Affirmative I'm on it.