Proton Torpedo

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Proton Torpedo
Privateer - Ship Modification Bay - Torpedo.PNG

A Proton Torpedo is a type of munition used by torpedo launchers. Proton Torpedoes are available for sale to privateers at ship dealers.


Version Velocity Refire Delay Armor
Duration Range Abuse Lock Cost Resale
Privateer Playguide Manual 900 kps 2.5 seconds 17 cm Locks onto nearest hostile ship (or nearest ship not transmitting friendly signal). 100 credits
Privateer 900 kps 2.5 seconds 17.5 cm 8 seconds 100 credits 75 credits
Privateer Playtesters' Guide 2.5 seconds 17.5 cm 7200 m medium onto hostile ship


Friend or Foes may be loaded on missile launchers installed on the stock Tarsus, Orion, Galaxy and Centurion.

Bounty Hunters

Empire of Kilrah

Terran Confederation

Individual Users


Wing Commander Privateer Player's Guide

Missile Launcher

Missile launchers are crucial in making a quick kill. Without shields few ships can withstand a missile hit. Missiles are listed in order, from least to most expensive, with a brief description of its locking method. Each launcher can hold up to 10 missiles in any combination.

Armor penetration is based on the durasteel standard, and is listed only for comparison. All missiles that can lock but fail to do so simply fly straight ahead (like a DF missile). Refire delay for one launcher is 2.5 seconds — two launchers are twice as fast.

Privateer Playtesters' Guide

Weapons Systems

Your weapons loadout will vary according to your skill level, typical missions and financial resources. In general, dumb fire missiles and torpedoes can inflict more harm in the hands of an experienced pilot. Guided missiles will find their target with the help of their locking mechanisms, making accuracy less essential. A tractor beam system will allow you to retrieve cargo from a destroyed ship and is thus an indispensable part of every pirate fighter.

Range. The effective range of the projectile in meters (m).

Damage potential. The amount of damage done to a target. This measurement is based on the durasteel standard, and is listed for comparison only.

Refire delay. The recharge time of a gun between each shot in units of seconds.

Energy use. How much energy the gun uses in units of Gigaloules (GI).

Abuse limit. How much damage your guns can take before they are destroyed. Abuse limits are rated as low, medium and high.

Friend or Foe (FF). This missile type will lock onto any hostile ship in the area and track its target until it hits or is outpaced. Before you launch this missile, a lock is required. Once the diamond appears inside the locked square, you can fire your missile.


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