Invasion Rolling Out New Ships
Major Payne has been working on detailed Kilrathi models that may be used in WC Invasion. One of these capital ship designs is based on the Snakier model from the movie.
Well heres the Kilrathi line up. All but one will be available only from the space bouy when captured. There is also a small carrier from the level 1 starbase to compliment the Ralarrad Destroyer. The starbases have also been upgraded with a heavy selection of weapons so they aren't quite so easy to take out. The only unit not pictured here is the Kilrathi specialised unit. I am thinking about the COMCON from the movie but only have a single image, so a creative spark might be required. Anyway, the snakier that I pictured earlier has also had a name change so without further to do. Heres the latest batch of images:Pictured: Dreadnought MK II, Kamekha Class Light Carrier, Rakshaalar Class Light Carrier, Shaalkhar Class Heavy Cruiser, Shivier Class Heavy Fleet Carrier and Ratooth Class Light Fighter.
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