Making the Game: Coding Guidelines
Source code is greek to me -- luckily this document introduces itself better than I could: "These are the guidelines that all Wing Commander: Prophecy programmers are expected to follow. Care has been taken to generate a set of rules that will provide a consistent feel to the project’s code without micro managing every coding detail (for example, there is no mandated tab size, and programmers are not forced to type “if(conditional)” rather than “if (conditional)”). With these guidelines, Wing Commander: Prophecy will have a consistent code base that will be easy for any programmer to go through and feel comfortable with in a short period of time."
These updates are thanks to John "Captain Johnny" Guentzel, who provided several CD image archives of material used by the Wing Commander Prophecy development team!
Coding Guidelines Download (35 kb)
Date: April 24, 1997 |
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