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The Mad Hatter recently took his Roland Sound Canvas for another spin, resulting in eight sharp MP3s from Privateer. Simply put, the Sound Canvas device takes a MIDI file and turns it into something you might actually enjoy listening to.

Note: Our FTP server limits the number of concurrent connections from a single computer so everyone can get a fair download speed. If you try to download too many files at once, your browser will show a generic, uninformative error message. It may appear as though the file is missing, but you just need to wait for a download to finish before starting a new one.

If you downloaded any Privateer tracks from our music section in the past, you will want to make sure that you have the best versions. We've always had the Detroit and Perry themes available for download, but Mad Hatter's tracks are far better quality. Over the last few months we've added entirely new or enhanced recordings of Prophecy and WC3 music. We now have close to 500 megabytes of MP3s on our FTP. Make sure your Wing Commander music library is up to date.

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