Staring So Long At These Pictures of Frosty Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

I'm back from visiting ace and company in Boston! And here's the photographic proof...

Frosty meets his match... which is, unsurprisingly, a 2D plastic picture of an eel. aceHyphenOne is coming at you... IN 3D. We saw two 3D movies. One was very good, and one was very bad. Just like Freespace games. Except one was good. Ask not what Frosty is doing to the cat - ask what the cat is doing to Frosty. Each day, thousands of 3DO owners go to their graves. They were truly our greatest generation - yet to this day, the Federal Government refuses to honor them with a memorial. For some reason, Boston is full of things named 'Wang'. This one, however, is twice as funny. From left to right: Frosty (and Gloves), LOAF, LeHah, ace and Blonde (edited in).

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