Privateer Themed Palm Game Released Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Qbok has developed a Privateer themed mod for the Palm OS game Space Trader. It functions quite a bit differently from your regular space combat simulator, but it's a fun little adventure that uses a variety of Privateer graphics and items.
I've just completed refitting GPLed "Space Trader" with graphics from Privateer 1. All the in-game graphics (including about a dozen starships and four full-screen scenes) are now 100% "Privateerish."

Enjoy! By the way - this is a greyscale version (should work fine on color palms, of course). If there's some positive feedback, I'll be glad to do the full-color version too (that IS a bit of work, and I started with grayscale version because I own a palm with grayscale display).

As for the changes, 95% of graphics got redone; only other changes are: slightly rearranged ship info screen and changed names of the "buyable" ships (I've left the names of the few other ships unchanged). This leads to some differences between this version and typical Privateer ship characteristics. You get to fly two Kilrathi ships, and the Paradigm ended up as - well - big freighter, but I didn't want to screw up the balance of the game by changing ship statistics to better reflect the original Privateer's.

Looks fun. Wish I had a Palm Pilot to try it out with. You can download the zipped .prc file for this program here. Send Qbok a message if you like it.

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