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Quarto sent us a note regarding Unknown Enemy's victory in the recent Fan Project of the Year contest...
Since Pedro is absent for two weeks, it falls to me to thank everyone who has voted for Unknown Enemy in the CIC's Fan Projects competition. It is quite amazing that, in spite of the fact that UE is one of the oldest fan projects, and still remains unfinished, we received so many votes. Nonetheless, this shows that in spite of all our setbacks, the WC community believes we are making good progress - which indeed is the case. Over the recent months, UE has finally managed to build up some momentum, and it really looks like we will finish within two or three months. Take this with a grain of salt, because fan projects are strange creatures which can sometimes grind to a halt for no apparent reason. Still, I'm certain that UE WILL be finished, and sooner rather than later. See to it we shall... So, once again, thank you to everybody who voted for us, and of course to the CIC for organising this contest.


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