Exploring the Gemini Sector in Privateer Alpha... With Three Steltek Drones! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Zyxophoj continues to pull back the curtain and reveal more of what's going on in the Privateer Alpha! He's put together a new video to explain how to work through the last several systems of the game. As this build was mainly intended as a preview for reviewers and testing, it starts to burst at the seams the further along players get. All of these little quirks make for absolutely fascinating digital archeology, however. In fact, he's discovered the game doesn't fully know what to do when you destroy the Steltek Drone. Additional Drones appear to just keep spawning! Give the video a watch below:
If at first you don't succeed, cheat. If that doesn't work, cheat harder. It is possible to get through the whole game, and kill the Steltek drones. Note the plural form of the word.

The game is really fighting back now, as the final mission just seems.. unfinished.

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