Artsy Diorama Shows Off Classic WC Scene Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

ParadiseRegaind has posted an extremely cool and unique art piece to add to the collection. He worked with apesincaves to commission an awesome diorama cube of a familiar original Wing Commander setting and Hornet cockpit. The dashboard is right up front with a neat offset effect for a Kilrathi ship and asteroids in the distance. I like that the Dralthi even has its afterburners flaring. The creator also makes them for Tie Fighter, Doom and many other franchises. You can even pick one up for yourself for about $42!
Picked up these really cool diorama shadow boxes on eBay recently. The maker/seller is great and made the Wing Commander one at my request. I’m trying to get him to make a Descent one now!
He has a ton of these for various classic games and series. Well worth a shout out!

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