New Extraction Tools Added to Originator
There's a new version of Originator ready for your modding and extraction pleasure! In the latest builds, AllTinker has added enhanced support for Prophecy formats, streaming for Red Book audio and an enhanced hex viewer. There's also an aspect ratio compensator in the image viewer - an example is below. AllTinker still has lots of ideas for future improvements, so let him know what you think! Grab the latest version here.
This update adds supports for a few more Wing Commander Prophecy formats; MGI streaming audio for music, bitmap images (should cover everything including textures), and I also added a handler for some of the text content. No models yet, but soon! It also adds support for streaming/extracting Red Book audio from plain ISO images, i.e. music from Wing Commander 1/2 and Space Rogue for FM Towns and Wing Commander for SEGA CD. I've also improved the hex viewer with some extra tools for searching and data inspection. VGA aspect ratio compensation for the image viewer. This is currently done in a pretty basic way, but should look fine at zoom values around 2-3 or higher. Most images will auto-sense and turn this on as appropriate, with WC3/4 being the main exception for now. Here's a few more shots of content viewable since the last couple of updates:
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