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Trash Can sent us a message about his Fleet Commander project. If anyone is interested, he can be reached at trashcan@club.tip.nl.
I would like to ask some people if they can help with the Fleet Commander project. We are still short on programmers so if you can program in C, C++ or any kind, pleace mail me. We also need a good sound editor, who needs to make music and SFX.

Last, I would like to ask people to help me with the story design of the game. I thought of something like this:
The story begins right before Prophecy starts. The Nephilim don't play in the game, but the Kilrathi have designed a few new ship types. They are constructing them secretly somewhere where Confed doesn't look. And then the player needs to fight them. The game will be played in one huge map (so the game contiues between the missions), giving the player the ability to fight the Kilrathi any way he or she wants.

If you have any comments on this please mail me.

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