L.I.F. has provided a very significant boost to the Border Worlds garrison in the Homeworld Remastered Mod. Most fans will quickly recognize this as a Confed Superbase, but it's in UBW colors! He's taken czacen's original model in the first image and spruced it up to match the more polished look of the current mod. While it's a bit smaller the Confed HQ in the picture below, it completely dwarfs the carriers and transports circling around it. They're so small in comparison that you might even miss them at first!
OK, you remember when I said I was going to take a look into texturing? Well, it seems that using czacen's old models and adding them a dozen or more hours of work recombining his textures and the Saga team's with 3DS Max can give interesting results. No change whatsoever to the 3D file, just some rough and pretty inefficient texturing work. Enjoy!
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