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The CIC's First Birthday Party is now over, but we're not stopping there. We still have a lot of work to do reporting news, upgrading our currect sections and creating new sections as the need arises. If you haven't gotten a chance to look at our lineup of new features, you can find the list here. You can also find complete logs of last night's Birthday Party here. We'll be working out the details regarding prizes soon. Here's a rundown of who won which door prizes last night. If you're a winner and haven't done so already, please email us.

Maniac Action Figure - Spaceboy
Paladin Action Figure - Ezis
Kilrathi General Action Figure - Ainamacar
Marine Blair Action Figure - Pedro-UE
Pilot Blair Action Figure - Halman
Movie Press Kit - Asterix
Movie Postcards - Iceheart Rob
Movie Postcards - Meson
CIC T-Shirt - Death
CIC T-Shirt - Frosty

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