More Movie Models Made for Pilgrim Legacy Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Wojo is back with more models from his Pilgrim Legacy mod. He's modeled an impressive number of Wing Commander Movie ships including the Rapier, Broadsword, Diligent, Pegasus-style base, Venture and Bengal class carrier. This is an area of Wing Commander art that's been largely underappreciated over the years, so it's great to see fans taking a shot at these ships. None of these designs is quite complete, but there are already some nice touches such as the functionally spinning rotary neutron gun on the Rapier. Other items like the Broadsword's torpedoes will be simulated in the game engine. Future updates should include scenes aboard the ship and cockpit elements such as the HUD.
These are shots taken from the ship editor. They all work in-game in most respects. Obviously there is polish needed on pretty much all of them. The Rapier is about the closest to finished. They also look much less 'beaten up' in game - something about the way the editor lights the ships makes them look weird. Also the cockpit glass is reflective in-game. Looks much prettier.

You can't see it now, but I placed a screen cap from the movie of Blair sitting in the Rapier cockpit. Giggles.

The Bengal took a long time. And is still going... Headache after headache. I actually ordered the Confederation Handbook from Amazon to get some of the details right! Also some long forum posts regarding weaponry. It currently has a couple of AMG's in the nose, 8 large laser turrets and a bunch of anti-fighter/warhead flak cannons (the freespace engine does this well). Plus torps. Have not tried to recreate a broadside capability as in the film - it sounds like a bit of a game-breaker to me. I'm excusing the differences by stating that it is NOT the Tiger Claw, but another ship of the same class.

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