BREAKING NEWS: Mythic Ultima Rerelease Site Leaked Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

EA Mythic briefly--and apparently accidentally--lowered the cloaking device on their plans for the Ultima IP this afternoon. Revealed was a new web site (see below, screenshot courtesy of Magnus!) called which promises it will be "looking back at over 30 years of Ultima heritage!" The site also offered a curiously not-DOSBox-bundled download of Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar, helping to explain why EA became eager to shutter illegal downloads of that game several months ago.

This is likely part of the promotion for a rumored Ultima IV-derived social game which may also be called Ultima Forever. We can only hope similar plans are in the works for Origin's other great IPs. Mythic's Creative Director Paul Barnett did go public with his hopes of a Wing Commander I rerelease last year and we helped put together a DOSBox launcher for the game--but there has been no word since that time. Alas, there has been no word at all on plans for relaunching Cybermage.

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