OGREs Everywhere! Can You Help?
AD is currently working on a very interesting project, but he needs help investigating some OGRE 3D mesh files. If this is your kind of thing, please head over to Crius.net and lend a hand. Technical details are available here.
Hey everyone! I certainly am no computer programer. Heck, I'm not really a 3D artist, but I like to pretend every now and again. Here's my current dilema for which I could use some help. I have some *.mesh files that appear to use the open source OGRE 3D engine. I can get them to display their basic shape in some of the free ogre viewers online.I have all the textures for these meshes (in JPG and PNG format)... but I'm missing the *.material files. Well, they aren't exactly missing. But the source that the models are from uses a separate XML file to keep track of this sort of thing and the ogre viewers don't seem to recognize it.
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