Movie Crashing Patch Patched Up to 1.2 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Mash has updated his Kilrathi Saga WC3 movie crashing patch to be even more compatible with modern systems. The program works to prevent a bug that disrupts KS WC3 during movie playback, and it also incorporates various speed fixes. However, due to its DirectX implementation, the patch was incompatible with the awesome DirectDraw Hack. The new update now allows the two to be run simultaneously! Pick up version 1.2 of the movie fix here.
This patch is an attempt to fix some of the problems associated with running the Windows version of Wing Commander 3 on modern OSes and on modern hardware. This release includes a fix for the 'Ingame Movie Crashing Bug' and a slowdown fix for the Nav Map Screen. I've also added a series of slowdown fixes for the Pre Flight Power-up Screen and added an ini file where you can adjust the slowdown delays to your own liking.

Installation details can be found in the included read-me 'Wc3_KSaga_Patch.rtf'. The read-me also includes some info on how it all works.

De(s)cent Free Space Sim Engine Simulates Universe Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Dran is always looking out for fellow Wing Commander modders and wanted to share his latest find. The aptly named Space Engine is a free space sim engine for Windows that actually looks pretty decent. There's a sample video available at their website, and the core program itself is about 400 megs. Even if you're not a modder or the engine isn't suitable for your project, it's touted as an educational tool and looks like a lot of fun to fly around in.
Basic Controls

* Left Mouse Button – Click to select object, Click and hold to look around
* Right Mouse Button – Click and hold to rotate around selected object
* Mouse Wheel – Change velocity
* F1 – Options
* F2 – Solar System Browser
* F3- Find-by-name menu
* G – Go to an object
* Shift + G – Go to an object’s surface

There are a ton of controls for the game. Simply open the ‘readme09_eng” file in the Space Engine folder to find a full list.

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