Official Wing Commander Magazine Scanned Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Yesterday we looked at the March 1999 issue of Sci-Fi Teen, one of four Starlog publications that covered the Wing Commander movie during its release. That might not seem unusual today but remember that Wing Commander was up against The Matrix and Star Wars Episode One for limited print space in world where most people weren't yet getting their news from the internet. Today we're looking at the most exciting of the bunch: STARLOG Movie Hits Wing Commander The Official Movie Magazine is a 72-page officially licensed magazine covering the actors and techniques behind the scenes of Wing Commander. It contains a lot of broad promotional writing and you've seen many of the set photos before... but there are also some real gems hidden in there! We're very pleased to finally have a digital copy available online as prices for once-ignored physical back stock seem to be rising. You can download the PDF here (308M):

The magazine also included a double-sided centerfold with some pretty interesting Wing Commander concept art (and a chart of guns that doesn't seem to have anything to do with the movie). Here they are arranged as they appeared:

You can also download an archive of the scanned pages here (1G). Previously:

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