WC Modeling Tool Gets Bug Fixes & New Features Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Today's post won't be much help if you're trying to blend wings, but the new update to Wing Blender will assist your Vision Engine modding! New version 2.1.1 fixes issues when trying to import models from multiple directories, addresses a bug where face textures don't appear and now recognizes light flag settings. All of this could come in handy if you're trying to import or export models into Blender for your fan project of choice - or even if you're just poking around!

Wing Blender is an import/export plugin for Blender 2.65+ that allows you to export a VISION engine (Wing Commander: Prophecy, Wing Commander: Secret Ops) IFF 3D model, or import a VISION engine IFF 3D model into Blender.

This means you'll be able to do most of your work in Blender, and then export it directly to VISION engine .IFF format without the need to use other programs to set or modify model metadata, such as the collision sphere, center/radius of each LOD, or hardpoints.

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