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L.I.F.'s latest addition to the Homeworld Remastered Mod isn't just an awesome Wing Commander structure, it's an incredible technical accomplishment for the game engine. He's managed to import Klavs' WC2-style starbase by breaking it up into 28 conjoined submeshes with half a million polygons. The results are fantastically detailed. It's possible that the post may not be practical for the game, but it's very cool to see in the game nonetheless!
People... I think I've gone too far. I've done something that Modders were not meant to do. Klavs81 did some gorgeous work, but one kinda kept my attention for its sheer size and the ambition it represents. Kinda like, you know, Icarus' Sun, the thing that you know you should not try to reach but do so anyway?

This is the first version, without any kind of advanced texturing work to make it look really as great as he did in his screenshots. DEFINITELY work in progress, that's a proof of concept of my latest workflow, with a... > 500 k polygon mesh. I have no clue if I'll use it, how, why or where, but... wow. It can be done.

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