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The Star Traders project being run by Origin veteran David Ladyman has announced some neat easter eggs that will be featured in their aspiring board game relaunch. Cards that humorously reference both Wing Commander and Star Citizen elements will be added to the play deck. It's also been revealed that Chris Roberts and Sandi Gardiner will feature as embodiments of the "Maverick" personalities featured in the game's art and lore. With just a little bit more than a week to go, the campaign sits around 60% funded. They have a ways to go to make the project a reality, so if this looks like something you're into, you can lend your support here.

I have a long history with Chris, stretching back to my Origin days, and both Ryan and I have worked with him on Star Citizen for the past several years. So we are very honored to have his support for our project.

But we aren’t simply basking in the aura of Chris and his games — we are actively cross-promoting them, with a couple of Trader’s Luck cards referring to Wing Commander and Star Citizen.

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