The Fur's About to Fly!
DigitalOrigami has put together an amazing scene with the help of Klavs' Model Archive. The backdrop is a large Kilrathi Dorkir convoy lead by a Fralthra and Rigakh. This combination of capships isn't one you'd ever naturally encounter in-game, which adds an artful extra layer to the melee. The Confed attack force has a similar mixed makeup with Rapiers, Sabres and even Klavs' Wilcat design swooping in. As an extra bonus, the canvas here is absolutely massive. Anyone who wants to zoom in, and especially Wingnuts with 4K or Retina displays, can grab the full 3500 pixel wide version here.
Klavs has released some wonderfully detailed Wing Commander models. Some of them needed a bit of work in modo, and a few need substantial U/V work and/or textures, but it's an amazing collection of ships.Modo being modo, it choked on having more than 6 ships in the scene at a time, so the major Kilrathi ships were done in one scene, the 5 nearest Terran fighters in another, and then the smaller ships were done individually and duplicated in photoshop. I really like the ability now to render out different aspects of a scene - diffuse colour, spec, luminosity, etc., but modo did this wonderful thing in giving me a completely different gamma for the individual aspects than it did for the normal final color render. Didn't find this out until I spent several hours rendering stuff out and then bringing it in to photoshop. Found out there's about 6 different places one can change the colourspace and eff things up. Except, all I did was duplicate the existing final colour render output and change its effect to spec, diffuse, etc.
Really anticipating the next Lightwave crossgrade offer.... Anyhow, thanks for the trip down memory lane. Lost more days than I care to admit on the Wing Commander series.
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