Homeworld Mod Gets Second Wind; Remastered Version In Work Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

L.I.F. has long been the caretaker for Czacen's glorious WC4 Homeworld 2 mod. After development ceased in 2008, L.I.F. picked up the torch and ran with it by adding new features and abilities. The recent release of Homeworld Remastered has provided a great opportunity to bring this awesome fan game to a new audience. To start with, Remastered comes with the original games. He's worked with Steam to get the mod uploaded to the game's workshop area so new players can grab it and dig in. Meanwhile, he's also working on porting the mod to be compatible with the new main game rerelease. This has always been a very slick project, and we're super excited that it's getting a second shot at prime time!
Announcement: As Homeworld Remastered has been released a few days ago on Steam, porting HW1, HW2 and, most importantly, a revamped version of both games in 4K resolution, remastered gameplay and other improvements... I have begun porting the Wing Commander mod to the Remastered engine.

You'll notice that I have still quite a lot to do to get it working completely, but I'm doing my best to get everything operational as soon as possible for the mod to work under the new user interface and the changes in engine. More to come very soon. :)

Of course, the praise must once again go to Aaron "czacen" Thomas, who did, well, 99.9999% of this mod and managed to create an excellent total conversion for a game that just came back to the spotlight it always deserved through the Remastered version of Homeworld 2. The models, the textures, the coding, the soundbites and music integration, the file architecture as a whole, everything is his colossal work, to which I came only much later to do some gameplay tinkering. Also to note that the icons are not working with the Steam version of the game, while they are obviously here for the original one (the one published by Relic a dozen years ago). I've identified where are the icons, and am currently trying to get them to be loaded, but to no avail. I'll update the mod if I get that bug fixed, though.

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