Sketching Out A Bearcat
TurboTim is still working on the Bearcat model that reported on back in October. The latest update adds a rough cockpit design and maneuvering thrusters. Despite only making a brief appearance in the series, the Bearcat is incredibly popular with players and fan projects alike. The heavy fighter has shown up in Unknown Enemy, WC Saga, Privateer: The Reckoning, WC Invasion, Perfect Plan and the WC4 Homeworld 2 mod. Modelers like TonViper and Scooby have also tried to recreate the Bearcat design.
So I went on and decided to include an actual cockpit to the model. There's no instrument panel yet, and the joystick is pretty ugly. I'm also not entirely happy with the throttle. But at least they're there! :) Also, there's ejection handles in front of the seat. Also finally added maneuvering thrusters around the fuselage.
Still haven't learned how to do proper textures yet, have a lot of school work and things going on keeping me busy. Anyway, I'm actually using Sketchup for making this model, so it's easy yet sometimes hard to use. Easy for me because it's point-and-click and it's been 8 years since my high school drafting class so I've pretty much forgotten how to use AutoCAD and all of that. Hard because sometimes I have to do incredibly redundant steps and workarounds just to get the shapes and angles that I want.
The current textures on the model are "materials" available within Sketchup. Eventually, I'll be able to give it proper textures. I have squadron paint scheme in mind for this baby. Once I get around to it, I'd like to also figure out how to add panel lines to it so it doesn't look like one solid block of metal. But for now, this is what I have. As before, any feedback or advice is appreciated.
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