Defining that Indefinable Quality Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The latest commlink article introduces the newest poll over at the Roberts Space Industries website. The question asks us to reflect on what exactly is it that defines a Chris Roberts game.

Here are the choices:
  • The cinematic storytelling; that feeling that I was ‘playing a movie.’
  • The visceral quality. That sense that you were really there fighting aliens instead of playing a game.
  • The technology. Chris’ games were always on the cutting edge.
  • The scope. The idea that it's bigger than what I've seen before, no matter what it is.
  • All of the above; a Chris Roberts game needs to do everything.
  • It doesn’t matter; I trust Chris Roberts to come up with something I want to see!
The latest Time Capsule has humanity recruiting in the face of war. Things are really starting to heat up! Read it here: 2541: Awfully Crowded in My Sky.

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