Gato Get George's New Album!

Origin's composer of classic (WC3-Prophecy) music, George Oldziey, has released his first solo CD! The genre for the album is latin jazz, and it sounds very warm, fun, happy, and maybe even a little bit familiar to Wing Commander fans. You can listen to a preview at Mr. Oldziey's Soundcloud page, or pick up a copy at, iTunes and CDBaby. His band, Gato 6, will also be holding a release party on September 7 in Austin, Texas. Sounds like fun!
Hi guys! Hope all is great on your end! Just wanted to let the Wing Commander community know that, after decades of composing music for other people (games, films, documentaries, etc.) I'm finally releasing a project of my own original Latin Jazz music on my band GATO 6's new CD, "El Viento". Yours truly composed (except for ONE cover), arranged, recorded and mixed all the tunes on the CD. It hits CDBaby, Amazon, iTunes, and many other digital distribution outlets tomorrow (Thursday, August 23rd). If you'd like to get a preview you can check out my Soundcloud page.
Hope all is wonderful in the Wing Commander Universe!
GATO 6 - Latin Jazz Meets World Music in Austin
GATO 6, Austin's premiere Latin Jazz band, is a high powered, all-star ensemble that performs George's original music which draws on his myriad world music and jazz influences. The band features locally, nationally and internationally renowned artists such as Dennis Dotson on trumpet, John Mills on reeds, George Oldziey on piano, Wayne Salzmann on drums, Kris Afflerbaugh on bass, Luis Continho and Mike Longoria on percussion, and the incomparable Suzi Stern on vocals.
GATO 6's premiere CD, "El Viento", will be officially released on Thursday, August 23rd, and will be available at Austin's Waterloo Records as well as at, CDBaby and in digitally downloadable form from iTunes.
September 7th CD Release Party!
The date is finally set! Don't miss the premiere CD release party of the season! Friday night, Sept 7th will be the long awaited release of GATO 6's CD "El Viento". This event will take place at Austin's premiere jazz venue, The Elephant Room on Congress and 3rd St. CDs will be available for sale at the event. Hope to see you there!
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