New WC Mod Won't Be The Last Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Deathsnake has announced a new Wing Commander mod that uses the Freespace engine. "Last Line of Defense" is a contemporary of Wing Commander 3 that takes place primarily in the Enigma Sector. He'd like to package the game into smaller mini-campaigns that can be built in manageable chunks and more easily completed. The pictures below show a wide variety of scenes including a destroyer with flight deck, a large upsized superbase, the game's player carrier and more. Check out the CIC Forums for more screenshots and information.
Well Last Line of Defence is playing in the WC3 Timeline. But not as the Saga Darkest Dawn in the Vega, LLoD is playing in the Enigma Sector. There's a lot of story what is not continued by Origin. And I want to use some of the stuff whats Origin beginn in WC2.

I've seen here in the CIC a pic from Ela Superbase with the Midway. And it was huge. I transform now the size of my Ela Base by factor 2 or 3. So now it can be called Superbase (see the Wake Class in the Bay?)

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