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Old hands may remember that Origin's Wing Commander IV website included an unprecedented amount of game-related resources, possibly to compensate for the game's limited manual. We have restored two of these pages: indexes of the game's guns and missiles. These pages reproduced material that would be printed in the game's official guide... but it was very cool at the time to get a (low resolution) look at individual missiles and guns!

We have also archived the internal documents used to create the site: WC4GUN.DOC, WC4MIS.DOC. Finally, you can find higher resolution images of several of the website's missiles (and several not included on the website) in a previous update.

Wing Commander IV Storyboards - Scene 49 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Scene 49 shows Blair's briefing for Tyr 2a/b, where he rescues (or kidnaps?) Doctor Brody. Dig that awesome Jason Bernard caricature!

These storyboard images were recovered from a backup CD containing materials belonging to Origin's web development team. They were dated November 17, 1995 and were likely planned for a never-completed web feature.

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